Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's Bamboo!!

A year or two ago an acquaintance of mine felt his life had no real meaning. So he sold all his stuff (all his stuff including house), packed his bags, bought a motorcycle and headed out to ride the motorcycle around the world. So far he hasn't made it out of South America. And while there, he has scouted out a couple organizations that help kids, kids in really desperate situations. He then formed a non profit and is now raising money to help out these groups (as well as volunteering his time).

Whew!! Me, I sit on my ass, obsessively check Facebook and watch stupid TV shows. However, I did have a spurt of do goodyness a few weeks ago when I attended a fundraiser/auction for his fine organization. I both gave money AND bid on some of the auction items. Mostly, I succeeded in merely driving up the prices for others, but I did win one thing, a bamboo 'white' board. Now this is just about the coolest thing ever. It is, yes, essentially a white board, but it's made out of bamboo so it's cooler and good for the environment (making me an even bigger do gooder)! It is now mounted and ready to house my to do list.

So now, I can sit on my ass, obsessively check Facebook while watching stupid TV shows and simultaneously, glance at my 'to do' list and see what I am NOT doing!

Oh, and if anyone is interested for doing good without getting off your and

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