Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Tomatoes and a dog butt!

Tomatoes and the edge of a dog foot, plus dog leg/dog tail shadow.

It's that time again. I am once again trying out tomatoes on the porch. Those long long time blog readers will remember the trial and tribulations, the stress and strife, as well as the agony and anticipation of the previous batch..... It's amazing I have recovered enough to try again. Forgetfulness is so sweet.

I bought these starts at the farmer's market. This time I even asked which ones were good for porches. I have one cherry tomato and one beefsteak. I figure this improves my chances of something working. So, (fingers crossed) hopefully this will be a carefree growing season. I did, of course, forget to ask the most important question of all. How much water? But then what would I have to occupy my brain.

I just went back and re-read my old tomato blog. Damn, I was funny a year ago. And yes, water was the worry. But, maybe if these tomatoes work out, I can build some new brain cells and be once again as funny as I was last year. Stay tuned!

Don't worry, you will all get the details as they unfold.

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